Category: Amerindia Nº40 – 2018

Terminologie de la mesure du temps en quechua et en maya

AMERINDIA 40: 69-104, 2018 Carmen GONZÁLEZ & Jean-Michel HOPPANChercheuse indépendante Mondes Andins & SeDyL (CNRS-UMR 8202) DOI : bstract: The Inca/Quechua and Maya cultures had in common the availability of numeralswhich allowed the development of the largest accounts produced

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Overview of the alignment of Arawakan languages

AMERINDIA 40: 135-167, 2018 Tom DURANDINALCO/USPC, SeDyL (UMR 8202) DOI : Abstract: This article compares the alignments of the languages from the Arawakan family,one of the largest linguistic families of South America; in other words, how these languagesencode the

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Dr. Crevaux’s Wayana-Carib Pidgin of the Guyanas: a grammatical sketch

In this paper, we look at the notes gathered by the French medical doctor and explorer Jules Crevaux on the language he calls “Roucouyenne” and which is today known as Wayana or Oayana, a Cariban language spoken by between 500 and 900 people in Suriname French Guiana, and Brazil. We give some background information about Jules Crevaux and his notes on the Wayana Pidgin (which he believed to be Wayana proper). Then we give some information about Wayana Pidgin and Pidgin Carib in general, we compare some select properties with equivalents in the Wayana language. We identify some points of continuation between Crevaux and other sources of Carib Pidgin. Finally we provide some information about pidgin users and include some comments that other authors had on Crevaux’s materials, and we provide a grammatical sketch of his version of Carib Pidgin.1

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