Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors

  • Amerindia publishes articles in French, English, Spanish or Portuguese.
  • Amerindia numbers can be Thematic issues or issues containing various articles.

Terms and conditions for publication in Amerindia

  • The publication of an article in Amerindia does not entitle the author to any copyright; however, in the case of a paper edition, the author will receive two copies of the Amerindia issue.
  • Amerindia is published in print on a yearly basis, and then becomes freely available on the web about a year after its publication. By agreeing to have their article published in Amerindia (by submitting it for publication), authors give their consent for their article to be made freely available to the public online after the embargo period stipulated by Amerindia.

Issues containing miscellaneous articles

Evaluation procedure

  • All articles accepted for review are evaluated anonymously by two external experts and one or two members of the Amerindia editorial board.
  • Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously. Therefore, authors should not use their name in a self-identifying way. Authors should quote their own work in the third person, rather than the first person. Acknowledgements and personal communications that could identify the author should be omitted in the version submitted for review. References to the author’s published work in the “Bibliography” section may be left under his/her own name.

All manuscripts submitted for review must meet the following specifications

  • The articles will be sent by e-mail to, in MS Word format, accompanied by a copy in PDF format (at this time our technicians cannot process documents in other formats such as LaTeX)
  • All articles will indicate, under the title, the name of the author and the institution to which the author belongs (Amerindia will make the document anonymous before sending it for evaluation).
  • The article must be accompanied by an abstract of maximum 150 words written in the language of the article and in English, as well as a short list of keywords also in English.
  • Documents should be prepared on A4 size paper, in 12 pt (serif) font (preferably Times New Roman), left aligned or justified but with automatic hyphenation disabled, single-spaced for running text (including examples, tables and figures); page margins should be at least 2.5 cm on all sides. The document should not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces), which would correspond to an article of about 25 pages (including bibliography and notes).
  • Where little is known about the language under study, it is hoped that a brief introduction will present its major typological characteristics, its parentage, and some cultural and demographic data on its speakers; a location map will prove very useful.
  • The author should include a list of unusual spellings and a list of abbreviations. It is advisable to use the Leipzig list of abbreviations in such a way as to include only those abbreviations that are not included in this list.
  • For special characters, a UNICODE font will be used.
  • Pages, sections, examples, figures and tables should be numbered consecutively to allow writers and reviewers to refer to specific elements of the document when writing reviews.
  • All sections must be numbered (1, 1.1, 1.1.1, etc.). If the article includes an “Introduction” section, it should be numbered 1.
  • Footnotes should appear in the text in continuous numbering after a punctuation mark.
  • A table of contents of the manuscript should be included; this table need not include page numbers but should indicate, in outline form, the basic organization of the article.
  • Bibliographic references in the text should include only the author’s name, the year and, if applicable, the page(s); full references are listed at the end of the article.
  • The article should contain a complete list of references cited, indicated at the end of the manuscript (rather than footnote citations); only works actually cited in the article should be included in the reference list.

Once the article has been accepted for publication, it must be submitted in an MS Word version that follows the style sheet AMERINDIA.dox.

Amerindia style sheet

Bibliographic standards :

Book :

Bybee, Joan. 1985. Morphology. A Study of the Relation between Meaning and Form [Typological Studies in Language 9]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Thesis :

Anderson, Bruce. 2002. The Fundamental Equivalence of Native and Interlanguage Grammars: Evidence from Argument Licensing and Adjective Position. PhD dissertation, Indiana University.

Article (book) :

Lohndal, Terje. 2007. On the structure and development of nominal phrases in Norwegian. Nominal Determination, Typology, Context Constraints, and Historical Emergence [Studies in Language Companion Series 89], E. Stark, E. Leiss & W. Abraham (eds), 285-308. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Article (revue) :

Napoli, Donna Jo & Hoeksema, Jack. 2009. The grammatical versatility of taboo terms. Studies in Language 33(3): 612-643.

Bobaljik, Jonathan D. & Wurmbrand, Susi. 2002. Notes on agreement in Itelmen. Linguistic Discovery 1(1). <>.

Electronic source :

Liberman, Mark. 2006. Uptalk is not HRT. Language Log 28 march
