Category: Amerindia N°42 – 2020

Language of Poqomchi’ (Mayan) offering ceremonies

AMERINDIA 42: 103-134, 2020 Igor VINOGRADOVRussian State University for the Humanities & University of Bonn DOI : Abstract. Some Poqomchi’ Mayan communities in Guatemala actually practicetraditional offering ceremonies. Through the mediation of a ritual specialist, theyprovide humans with an

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Yaqui possessive constructions: evidence for external possession

AMERINDIA 42: 75-101, 2020 Lilián GUERREROIIFL-Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México DOI : Abstract: This paper revisits possessive constructions in Yaqui (Uto-Aztecan; Mexico).Previous studies have described Yaqui internal and verbal possessive constructions. Theformer makes use of juxtaposition, pronominal possession, and

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De las partes del cuerpo a la pertenencia.¿Por qué la distinción alienable-inalienable no es suficiente en zapoteco?

AMERINDIA 42: 49-73, 2020 Francisco ARELLANES ARELLANESInstituto de Investigaciones Filológicas-UNAM DOI : Abstract: San Pablo Güilá Zapotec has four coding strategies for nominal possession:juxtaposition, suppletion, prefixation, and use of a preposition. These strategies areproblematic for theoretical approaches that only

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Inflectional tone in Hñähñu (Mezquital Otomi)

AMERINDIA 42: 1-21, 2020 Néstor HERNÁNDEZ-GREENCIESAS Mexico City DOI : Abstract: This paper is the first thorough description of inflectional tone changes in theverb stem in Hñähñu. Verbs in Hñähñu (Otomanguean > Otopamean > Otomi) can beclassified into four

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Person marking in Ja’a Kumiai (Yuman)*

AMERINDIA 42: 23-47, 2020 Gabriela CABALLERO & Qi CHENGUniversity of California, San Diego DOI : Abstract: Kumiai language varieties (Yuman; Mexico/USA) have been documented topossess complex person marking systems, with portmanteau markers for transitive verbsand a high degree of

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A Maya stela from the Ethnographical Museum of Geneva

AMERINDIA 42:155-172, 2020 Jean-Michel HOPPAN SeDyL, CNRSAlexandre SOLCÀ DOI : Abstract: This article aims to present new elements connected to a Maya stela kept in the Ethnographical Museum of Geneva. We show more clearly which glyphs are readable from

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